Catch the Streaming TV Wave!

Advertise Locally or Nationwide with Smarter TV Ads!

People everywhere are ‘cutting the cable’ and streaming their news, sports, and entertainment. K. Elliott Media can help you reach targeted local buyers with 15 & 30 sec. non-skippable video ads for as little as $.02 per view!

Run your ad on any of over 400 Smart TV channels & apps.

Smarter TV Advertising

Launch your own campaign in minutes or let us do all the work.

Upload your ad

If you have a 15 or 30 second video ad already, we'll help ensure it's properly formatted for Streaming TV. If you don't have an ad yet we can create one using photos and videos you provide or we'll send out a film crew and craft an awesome ad for you!

Choose your target audience

Choose what households your ads will be shown to by Geography (state, city, or even zip code), Age, Gender, Income, Hobbies & Interests, Voting Preference, and dozens of other data selects. If you have an email list or list of website visitors, we can target them and report how many visit your website after seeing your ad on streaming TV.

Set your schedule & budget

Choose what day(s) of the week and time(s) of day you want your ads to run. You can also specify which Streaming TV channels and apps you want to advertise on.

Analyze the results

Once your campaign is running, our reporting will provide clarity as to where your ads are being watched, the cost per view, and any actions your viewers are taking (like website visits).

Optimize your campaign

With near real-time ad performance data we'll help you optimize your campaign for maximum return.

Ready to start connecting with local buyers like never before? Click below to schedule a discovery call!

Why K. Elliott Media?

Local Understanding

We possess an in-depth knowledge of your local market. Our team is well-versed in the preferences, trends, and behaviors of your target audience, ensuring your ads hit the bullseye.

Unmatched Reach

Streaming TV has revolutionized how we consume content, and we'll help you harness its reach. Your ads will be showcased on popular streaming platforms, ensuring your brand message reaches a vast and engaged audience.

Data-Driven Excellence

Say goodbye to guesswork! Our data-driven approach enables us to identify the best channels and optimal time slots for your ads, guaranteeing maximum impact and a favorable return on investment.

Creative Brilliance

Our talented creative team is dedicated to bringing your brand to life. We'll craft captivating and memorable ads that leave a lasting impression on your audience, setting you apart from the competition.

Tailored Solutions

No matter the size of your business or budget, we have customized solutions to meet your needs. You'll get the most value out of your advertising investment with us.


(985) 377 5990

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